“Failing forward is generally a good thing. But failing to plan is planning to fail. So don’t kid yourself and start planning.”

Our “Owl: Naming It and Claiming It” course will help you identify your inherent talents and strengths. Your certified Coach will provide you hands-on tools to enable your insights into your unique Talent DNA. Our “Eagle” course will help you plan, align and action your strengths to  achieve your goals and outcomes.

Register today for your free consultation and get started NOW.

HR Consulting

Lead your business with efficiency,
effectiveness and relevance.

Purpose :
The primary objective of ITHRIVE Human Resource Consulting service is to assist businesses and teams strategically align assets to effectively and efficiently deliver desired operational results. The key stages of our consulting service are:

STAGE 1) Diagnostic and Descriptive and
STAGE 2) Predictive and Prescriptive.

The Prescriptive solutions may include (not limited to) supporting clients with:

  • Strategically aligned People Performance Management Framework
  • Digitizing Organisational Policies, Process and Procedures
  • Implementing Human Resource Management Systems 
  • Introduction to Strategic Planning Training and Change Management Training

Our initial interaction with you during STAGE 1 will be all about understanding your needs and subsequently devising a scope of work that meets your desired outcomes, budget and schedule.

Audience :

  • Organizations with HR needs 
  • Organizations with inefficient and/or paper (forms) based HR processes
  • Organizations struggling to align their strategy with business operations
  • Organizations having performance management issues

The Owl: "Naming It & Claiming It"

Find your true potential and plan for your dreams.

Purpose :

Using a globally recognized strengths-based language this course is designed to educate and prepare each participant on obtaining increased clarity as to who they are at their core; the authentic self. The course will focus on each participant identifying unique to them inherent strengths and talents also referred to as the “Talent DNA”. Personal strengths awareness will enhance each participants ability to speak to and communicate their personality confidently and in a manner that is universally understandable. Establishing an authentic self will subsequently assist each participant in building meaningful relationships and rapport with others while effectively contributing to common goals/objectives.


A Gallup certified coach will guide each participant using select Gallup tools to assist participants in naming and claiming their top ten/five talents and strengths. 


Note: This course is customized for a team setting delivery and aligned to achieve the team goals/situations needing to be solutioned.


Audience :

  • Organizations seeking to build/improve employee engagement and team performance
  • Individuals looking to align their education paths with their career paths/projects
  • Aspiring/existing Entrepreneurs and Corporations
  • International Students & International Opportunity Seekers

The Eagle: "Aim It"

The course is designed to educate and instill the importance of planning before driving execution, and how taking a strategic strengths aligned approach can help the individual, and/or the organization in turning their vision into reality efficiently and effectively.


  • Professionals
  • “Owl Certificate” Graduates

Session Length:
Two-half day (3.5 hours/day plus breaks)

$ (contact us for a custom quote)

The Eagle: "for Entrepreneurs"

This is a must take course for aspiring entrepreneurs. We focus on strengthening and building your resilience to change, and incorporate business planning acumen with tools you can use to launch any idea whether it be a business or personal vision. We cover all the stages of launching a successful plan; starting from documenting the idea (dreaming stage) to writing the detailed plan. All relevant planning and financial tools will be shared in this workshop. 


  • Students/Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  • “Owl Certificate” Graduates

Session Length:
Two-half day (3.5 hours/day plus break)


Schedule a session and achieve your full potential today

We will help you identify your inherent
talents and strengths. A Gallup certified coach will inform and guide you with applying your talents to achieve your goals and measure your performance.

Register, book your appointment (below) for your free consultation and get started NOW.

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