HR Consulting

Lead your organization with efficiency,
effectiveness and relevance.

Schedule a FREE 20 minute consulting session today!

In this free session we will discuss and troubleshoot
the challenge(s) your business may need to
overcome and identify how ITHRIVE can support you and
your team achieve success.

About the Service


Organizations who lack strategic knowledge generally also lack a common shared understanding on what strategy even
means. So it is no surprise these organizations struggle to devise, implement and align strategy with efficient, effective and
relevant operations that can lead to sustainable results.


To us at ITHRIVE linking organisations strategy to operations is a people first approach. With our Human Resource
Consulting and Change Management (PROSCI) services we assist organizations strategically align assets to effectively and efficiently
deliver desired operational results.

Some of our key systems solutions to obtain alignment with strategy and operations are :

  • An effective strategically aligned People Performance Management Framework (Gallup certified approach)
  • Policies and Procedures for long term sustainability
  • Human Resource Management Systems implementation and Change Management 
  • Adult Training 

“Achieve desired organizational results by leveraging a people first & a systems thinking approach.”

Vikas Poni, MBA, OCT, PROSCI Certified
Founder & Chief Coaching Officer

What results can I expect?


Leveraging a systems thinking approach we ensure our clients have increasing sustainable success with devising and
linking business strategy to people leadership (linking strategy with operations). Clients will co-create a unique framework
of effective and efficient operations leading to desired results.

Linking Strategy To Operations

Get a sneak peak of my years of strategic leadership experience and tools I use to lead people in achieving strategic goals. You can learn the basic aspects for free by downloading my ebook.

Results that speak for


Schedule a FREE 20 Minute consulting session today!

In this free session we will talk about what is important to
you. We will help guide your next steps towards achieving
your life aspirations.
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